

ADIDAS 20 SEK / FILA 30 SEK (both are thrifted)

The Fila skirt is very similar to Saga's Adidas skirt she thrifted when we were walking around Kreuzberg a few months ago (as to be seen here) It is also a reminder for me to go get my Lacoste tennis skirt which is at my friend Lovina's (alongside with many others of my clothes) after we shot promo pics for our band in a bathtub and everything got soaked.

I LOVE NEW CLOTHES!!! (although some football guy has probably been sweating in the Adidas shirt………..or maybe ((and hopefully)) it's been worn by a fashionista (((!!!!like me!!!!!))) )

I love brackets!!!!!!!!


  1. Where did you get that skirt? I've been looking for something similar for a long time, it's totally gorgeous!

  2. Thanks a lot! It's from a charity shop in Stockholm called Emmaus (located nearby the subway station "Slussen")
    I think charity shops are great if you're looking for something similar! Check them all!
